Author: Elizabeth Bizzini
Lithgow City Council
Ideas invited to develop new Active Transport Plan for Lithgow and surrounding villages Lithgow City Council is developing a new Active Transport Plan for the Lithgow Council area, aimed at improving the bicycle and pedestrian network. A major focus of the Active Transport Plan is to encourage greater participation in…
NPWS Hartley Historic Site Advisory Commitee
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is seeking applications from the community with an interest in helping NPWS conserve the values and manage the heritage of the Hartley Historic site. The NPWS is calling for nominations (per the application form) from the community to be part of the…
The Blue Moutains Historical Society
To BMACHO Members and Friends Blue Mountains Historical Society is holding an Open Day at its historic house, Tarella, on Sunday 28 October 2018. Details of the Day are attached. The Society would be very grateful if this information could be posted on your various web sites and Facebook pages.…
HDPA AGM 3rd December 2018
Hello Everyone Please save the date 3rd December 2018 from 7.30pm, at MidHartley School, 2018 HDPA AGM. Welcome, current members to renew membership till the end of this month and new members are advised to do the same please, to be able to lodge your vote. Thank you