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Constitution Change Proposal

2017 Constitution Change Proposal2017 Constitution Change Proposal

Attached is a draft document with proposed Constitution changes as discussed at our last Committee meeting

2017 Constitution Change


The following changes in the constitution of the HDPA are proposed and will be put to the membership (for adoption by Special Resolution ie 75% vote) at our annual General Meeting on 4th December 2017. The proposed changes summarised below show the existing provisions of our constitution with additions to the existing wording marked in red and underlined whilst deletions are marked as struck through.


A)The provision relating to membership qualifications is to be varied by adding the underlined words to the existing clause 2  as follows  in order to allow people who own property or operate a business in the valley to be members;


2 Membership qualifications                                                                 

A person is qualified to be a member of the association if the person is a natural person and the person maintains a residence, owns property,  or operates a business from a base (one representative per business) within the District of Hartley.


B)That an interval of twenty eight days be introduced between the date a prospective member makes application for membership and the date of such member’s  formal admission as a member, a change intended to encourage a continuity of membership and to protect the membership from the possibility of non member takeover of control. Such to be achieved by the addition of the underlined words in clause 3 as follows;


3 Application for membership

A person may become a member of the association by applying in writing in the form set out in Appendix 1 to this constitution and forwarding that application together with any entrance fee and annual subscription to the secretary who shall immediately enter the name of the applicant in the register of members and, on the date twenty eight days after the name being so entered, the nominee becomes a member of the association.

C)That the provisions relating to cessation of membership need to be expanded to reflect the expanded qualification or membership in Clause 2 and  to enshrine in the constitution current practice whereby members who cease to qualify for membership (eg by moving out of the valley) are approved by the members in General meeting to maintain their membership. Such to be achieved by the deletion marked up in Clause 4 as follows and the insertion of the underlined words;


4 Cessation of membership

A person ceases to be a member of the association if the person:

(a)     ceases to satisfy the membership qualifications specified in clause 2 unless such member has continued their membership with the approval of the members to maintain a residence in  the District of Hartley, or


  1. D) That we acknowledge our existing practice by deleting from the Secretaries duties the obligation to act as Public Officer and to instead impose this obligation on the Treasurer such to be achieved through the deletions marked in clause 16 and the underlined addition in clause 17;


16 Secretary                                                                                

(1) The secretary of the association must, as soon as practicable after being appointed as secretary, lodge notice with the association of his or her address.  (2) It is the duty of the secretary to keep minutes of:  (a) all appointments of office-bearers and members of the committee, and

(b) the names of members of the committee present at a committee meeting or a general meeting, and (c) all proceedings at committee meetings and general meetings.

(d) to act as public officer as provided  in the Act.


17 Treasurer                                                                               

It is the duty of the treasurer of the association to act as Public Officer as provided in the Act and to ensure: (a) that all money due to the association is collected and received and that all payments authorised by the association are made,

(b) that all monies received are promptly banked and that cash receipts are acknowledged by written receipt, and (c) that correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the association, including full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the association.


E)That we adopt a catch all provision by way of a new  Clause 38 to allow us to maintain records such as our register of members and accounts, on a computer and to use electronic means for Communicating information;


38 Electronic Means

Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution by this clause all technological or electronic means that enable the conduct of any process or the maintenance of any record are approved for use by the Association including the use of telephone or other electronic means to conduct meetings.


F)That we adopt as Appendix 1 of the Constitution the following format of application for membership


(ABN 15 268 758 869)



First Name…………………………….                                       Middle Names…………………………..


Preferred Name…………………….



Street No. and Name ……………………………………………………….

Town…………………………………….                                      Post Code……………State…………….

Phone …………………………………..                                      Mobile……………………………………..

Email…………………………………….                                      Current Occupation…………………..


Annual Membership Fee: $10.00 per person (from 1 September to 31 August)

Membership of the HDPA is open to any person who maintains a residence, owns property in or operates a business from a base within the District of Hartley. This application is made pursuant to the provision of the Constitution of the HDPA, a copy of which can be accessed on the website of the Association.


Applicant Signature……………………………………………… Dated …./…./…..


Payments should be made by direct transfer to the HDPA account at ANZ Lithgow, BSB 012716, Account no 210406295, or by cheque payable to HDPA, attached to this form and posted to the HDPA Treasurer. Alternatively you can join online by  going to http://www.hartleyvalley.org.au/join-us/









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