Fire, Medical Emergencies, or Crimes in Action phone 000
Text Emergency No 106 (for the hearing impaired or those with speech difficulties – to be used with a textphone or computer with modem access)
State Emergency Service (NSW SES)
For assistance during flood and storm emergencies call 132500
Volunteering and safety information freecall 1800 201 000
General Enquiries – Lithgow – 6354 4001
Rural Fire Service
Public Enquiries freecall 1800 679 737
Fire Control – Silcock St (cnr Bent St), Lithgow phone 6353 1862
Hartley Bushfire Brigade
Captain – John Lovegrove. Phone 6355 2460. Meets on the first Sunday of each month at 10am, at their shed on Mid Hartley Road. Phone the secretary Lynda Lovegrove on 6355 2460.
Kanimbla Bushfire Brigade
Captain – Jim Conners. Phone 4787 1193. Meets at their shed, Coxs River Road on the last Friday in February and the first Saturday in July. Phone the secretary Nancy on 4787 1909.
Lithgow Hospital
Col Drewe Drive, South Bowenfels Phone 6350 2300
Police Assistance Line (Non-Emergencies/General Enquiries phone 13 1444
Crime Stoppers Freecall 1800 333 000
Police Online
Lithgow Police Station 244 Mort St phone: 6352 8399
Hartley Appleseeds Playgroup
Tuesdays 10am until 12pm. Phone Alison on 6351 4296 for more information.
Galloping Gumnuts
Mobile van, for children 0-5 years, meet fortnightly on Fridays 10 -12.30 pm during school term at the Old School. Parents welcome to participate.
Phone Meg or Deidre on 6352 3798.
Hire a Hall
Phone Barbara Johnson on 6355 2017
Regrettably the Hall cannot be hired for 18th or 21st Birthday parties.
Hartley District Progress Association Meetings
Monday of even months at the school.
Everyone Welcome
Phone: Duncan on 6355 2043 or Seamus on 6355 2113 for more information.
Find us on FACEBOOK : Hartley District Progress Association | Facebook
Hartley Big Backyard
After 10 years of hard work and great success, the committee and volunteers who have been running the Big Backyard feel the need for a break and some time in their own backyards during October, leaving room for other activities of interest and delight for the community to take place during the year.
Tennis court available by arrangement. Phone the Secretary on 6355 2113.
Church Services
ST John’s Anglican Church, Hartley Historic Village
Services: 1st Sunday of each month at 5 pm.
St Peter’s Anglican Church, Mt Victoria
Services every Sunday at 8.45am.
Minister: Rev John Gaunt. Phone 4787 8127
St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Mort St Lithgow
Mass Saturday evenings: 6 pm
Sunday mornings 9.30 am Mass with Children’s Liturgy
Parish Office 6351 3092
More information about regional church services and other denominations in Lithgow Mercury (Saturdays’ edition)